IMU logging - what are your plans?

I know that you are planning on implementing the IMU logging soon, but I was just wondering what your plans were. Are you simply going to log raw IMU data, or do you have plans to do some sensor fusion and produce a “nice” set of results for us to use? Are you even thinking of taking things further and integrating IMU data with GNSS data to create a sort of budget intertial navigation system? If so, will this rely on real-time RTK or will there be some way in which it can be post-processed? I am very interested in this side of things, but I won’t be using real-time RTK - we are surveying and simply don’t need that level of accuracy in the field (on a boat) - but of course we want it afterwards. And again - do you have a rough ETA on the IMU logging?


Hey Matt,

As the first step we just want to add IMU data logging. Some GNSS postprocessing software already let’s you add IMU logs to the data and we hope that RTKLIB will have that too. Tomoji Takasu mentioned that he has plans for tightly coupled RTK+INS which could bring more robust solution.

We are trying to push Bluetooth solution output for Android, Pixhawk integration and time stamps processing all the same time. As soon as we are through this backlog we will be able to give an estimate about the IMU logging.


Hy Igor

I have the possibility to use the POsPac from applanix to post process the data do you think is it possible to use also the raw data IMU of reach to imrpove the quality of the trajectory (the rtk correction isn’t so important for me)



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