Importing points to emlid flow 360 from trimble

I am trying to import control points and layout points that are for trimble total station here is a sample of the csv

Name X(ussf) Y(ussf) Z(ussf) Description
CTRL-12 -170.5606796 -170.556688 0 GC CONTROL POINT
CTRL-8 -244.0368573 6.83190843 0 GC CONTROL POINT
CTRL-7 -240.325882 46.96783071 0 GC CONTROL POINT
CTRL-3 -224.6921833 205.6994692 0 GC CONTROL POINT

I tried to relabel them to Northing and Easting and the show up off the west coast of Baja California instead of northern Utah USA. what do i need to do or request from the my office to get these to work with flow 360?

These are local grid points. You need grid based on a geodetic localization. Does your company use Trimble GPS? CAD? We need to know a little bit more about your use case. Surveyor? Contractor?


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I work for a plumbing/ mechanical company. We are working on a baseball stadium in Utah. We use total station to layout points for drains sleeves and bangers. I am teaching myself and then the company to use gnss Rtk to layout underground plumbing more Efficiently. I can see if I can get the northing/ Easting control points . Or I can contact my bim department to get the points in the correct format.

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Hi @sj.craig9,

I agree with the guys. It looks like the coordinates are not tied to any CS. Do you know if there are any geodetic controls close to the survey area that you can tie these points to? If not, I agree with @timd1971. You can define your own local CS based on these points.

Please navigate to the links shared above to learn more about the process.

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