Importing points manually

Hello! I want to find out information about importing Points manually for staking them out. Can anyone give me information how I can do it? Does it need special format?
Thank you for your attention!


Points import¶

Hit ••• button on the right side of the project name and choose Import in the drop-down list.

You can upload files in CSV, GeoJSON or DXF formats or just enter coordinates manually.

Check the templates to find out what exactly your data should look like.

CSV template

name,longitude,latitude,elevation Point 1,30.339,59.958,53.618 Point 2,30.334,59.960,58.944

GeoJSON template

{ “type”: “FeatureCollection”, “crs”: { “type”: “name”, “properties”: { “name”: “urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84” } }, “features”: [ { “type”: “Feature”, “properties”: { “name”: “Point 1” }, “geometry”: { “type”: “Point”, “coordinates”: [ 30.339, 59.958, 53.618 ] } }, { “type”: “Feature”, “properties”: { “name”: “Point 2” }, “geometry”: { “type”: “Point”, “coordinates”: [ 30.334, 59.960, 58.944 ] } } ] }

After you finish adding coordinates, hit the Import button.


This screenshot might be better

That are csv and geoJSON but how it is made manually don’t you know?

You can make the csv manually in Notepad, Textedit or another basic text-editor. It is not hard at all, just follow this pattern for each coordinate:

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But I work with phone and the system doesn’t let me to drop files despite I have it csv file in my phone. What can I do?

iOS or Android?

Android. Huawei mate 20 lite

Hi Giorgi,

You can use a text editor app for Android to make a CSV file. For example, a Simple Spreadsheet.

As David already mentioned you can follow the template:


Point 1,30.339,59.958,53.618

Point 2,30.334,59.960,58.944

May I ask you to connect to Reach using its IP address (you can find it in ReachView) using the browser? There you can also find the Survey tab and upload a CSV file.


Same issue here.
Android 9 on LG V30

Hi, I had the same problem but I requested it by uploading my csv file to the following website and copied the coordinates and pasted them into the app

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Thank you very much. It has helped me a lot! My device opened this points

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You can connect to Reach using its IP address (you can find it in ReachView) in the browser. There you can also find the Survey tab and upload a CSV file.

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Excellent, thanks Anastasiia. I overlooked the details of your previous post and missed that I should try it in a browser.


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