If you ever have trouble connecting using SmartPhone

… via Emlid Flow or old ReachView apps.




Cheers Tim

I had a running issue with connection and the airplane mode didn’t work. The cause was between the rs2+ and my phone. Like the user the phone was getting on a bit, so there was something in there as the main issue.

I couldn’t reconnect to the unit whilst using my phones hotspot as the connection method. The rs2+ would stay in WiFi search mode (blue flashing WiFi light), no matter what I did with the phone. To solve it I had to clear the stored WiFi from the rs and use the internal wifi and connect my phone to it. No issues since, so stay with that method.

It happened on a couple of devices and I’ve not tried since a phone upgrade but it’s a risk I don’t want to have. The result was no way of stopping the log files or doing anything without a physical shutdown which corrupted the files. Rtk surveys not an issue but ppk…much sobbing and soul searching.

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I’ve had to resort to that also. Or just entering hotspot mode, then changing back to wifi also. The airplane mode toggle for me has worked easier in my case though and may for others as just as a suggestion.

It’s always been finicky as long as i can remember, and may depend on the network. I have had many cases i could access the receivers via browser / wifi and with their ip address, but they would NEVER show in Emlid Flow app. Probably one the biggest frustrations with them… especially when you dont have time to fiddle with it.

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Yeah the red box and yellow box units have that ip address access, which is easy. We actually use that as standard for those units as there is less kit to take and we are logging ground points so no need for bells and whistles interfaces. I’ve had many trials with the bigger players and passwords etc. Mainly hire stuff where people have changed settings etc, even the IP address which was pretty infuriating.

I’m not sure if you could run the line in with a laptop and get access in that situation, never tried that option.

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Hi, does connecting with BLE work into your workflow?

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On Android, click and hold on the APP icon, APP information, Force Stop, Clear Cache.
This helps me when the APP is lazy.



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