How to introduce coordinates in rinex base, using rtklib

if I use a permanent base (in this case from ucor, Cordoba university) to process an static job, the question is how to introduce through rinex the exactly coordinates, thanks I don’t realize how to do…

In RTKPOST. You can also manually enter the coordinate in Reachview and use the Rinex Header default, but I have had better luck with this.

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En RTKPOST, en la pestaña Options…, vas a la pestaña Setting1, en Position Mode, elegis la opcion Static, eso hara que se habilite la opcion de cargar el rinex de la base de referencia.
En la pestaña Setting2 en Inter Ambiguity Res elije Fix an Hold/ON
En la pestaña Output, en Solutions for Static Mode eliges Single
Y en la pestaña Position, en Base Station agregas las coordenadas de la base en el formato que elijas.

UCOR only read Rinex header, antenna heigth 0.00 meters

thanks !

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Hey there,

Just wanted to add that you can also consult our GPS Post-Processing guide for the main steps of post-processing with RTKLib :slight_smile:

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