How to create a 2.3Ghz AP from Navio and use it both for telemetry and wifibroadcast?

This is a similar setup to what I’m trying to build. I think that we should wait for the v3 beta image form EMLID. From what is mentioned on that thread, it is supposed to allow for both wifiboradcast and normal wifi to work together, using two separate wifi adapters.

Once this is running then the only thing remaining is to set up forwarding of the wbcrx output to UDP on the wifibroadcast receiving end, and properly setting up a receiver on the same WiFi network (I’m using QGroundControl on iOS, fo rinstance, it works beautifully with gstreamer video).

Wifibroadcast does not create an AP. In fact, it does not associate the clients at all. Think of it more like radio, if you tune in to the correct channel, it just captures whetever packets it sees there. Ok this is simplified quite a bit, but the big picture is there.
As a result, you don;t need two APs. You’ll just need one, which your clients will connect to, and which will receive the wifibroadcast video stream.

Re. telemetry; I believe that if you can separate the telemetry on the AP/wifibroadcast receiver, you can then forward it using UDP again to the ground station, on another port. Sending telemetry commands though is another issue. The folks over at EZ-Wifibroadcast have implemented sending telemetry as well as RC input, apparently, so it may be worth taking a look.

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