We use our Emlid for archaeological work. A lot of our legacy data is in paper maps that we can now scan and georectify to an acceptable level of accuracy for our work. To echo @Wombo 's request, I think there are a lot of people working in remote areas who could really use an option for local images as background maps for scenarious where you can’t connect to the internet. I know I’ve personally requested this before in other forums and I’ve seen it elsewheer in posts dating back to the pre-Emlid Flow days.
It can happen, it depends on where you click when you create your account, pay attention to that.
I did the same as in the video and was able to create the account without having to charge a credit card.
To adapt the Orthophoto to the Mapbox format, used GlobalMapper. With certain export settings the server can see it without any problem.
Despite everything I tried I was unable to create a free Mapbox account to test this out in my geography without entering card information.
And then it turns out that to use it I would have to - at least - re-project the images to Google distorted, and recompress them specifically to LZW, plus some other quirky export settings I’ve now given up experimenting with to get around the persistent and unhelpful “invalid projection issues” errors I’m getting when trying to upload to Mapbox.
And apart from all of that, and all the extra work ultimately resulting in duplicate images to manage, I still haven’t got my head around the impracticality of having to hike and/or long drive out to mobile coverage & back every time I needed to get online to simply change the background image.
A very convoluted and impractical way to work with your own background images and I’m no longer exploring this any further as a workaround option.
My existing standard GeoTIFF images - already in my collector devices - simply flick in and out of, for example, Field Genius and Trimble Terrasync as needed. And many other controller apps I’ve seen and tried including Trimble Access also support GeoTIFF background images as basic functionality. Offline, easy, seamless & instant.
Emlid, can we get the same prioritized for Flow? It’s really lacking in this regard
To add to all the confusion and extra work, maybe a GPS Spoof app could help there? No idea. Emlid, please just incorporate local background images using GeoTIFF like other software does.
Hi guys,
We appreciate your feedback and requests regarding our products and understand how the background images would be useful for your work. However, this feature is quite complicated to implement, so I can’t determine an ETA for it.