I’ve been using the Reach Module for a while now, and while it’s great for positional data and corrections, I’ve noticed that its directional accuracy could be improved. I often need to rely on precise direction data for mapping and navigation tasks, but sometimes the Reach Module doesn’t provide the accuracy I need.
I’ve been thinking that integrating an online compass might help. I came across this concept recently, and I’m curious whether this could be a solution to improve direction accuracy. Online compasses, or “real-time direction tool,” use live data to update direction continuously. They often rely on GPS, barometric pressure, and other sensors, providing more accurate readings than traditional magnetic compasses.
Could such a tool be integrated with the Reach Module to help improve its directional accuracy? I’m not a developer, so I’m looking for a user-friendly way to do this. Specifically, how can I sync the Reach Module’s data with an online compass? Are there any easy steps to make this work, or is it a more complex process?
Has anyone tried this integration before? What challenges did you face, and were there any compatibility issues between the Reach Module and online compass tools? Any advice or insights would be much appreciated.