How accurate is Navio+ with RTKLib on a RPI/RPI2?

I’m interested in acquiring a Navio+ to use in an agricultural context, collecting ~10cm accuracy positional information alongside data from external sensors but wanted to get some advice before splashing out.

Can anyone confirm if the NEO-M8N can output raw GPS & GLONASS positions @ 10Hz?

How precise positional information are people getting with a moving Navio+ and RTKlib in RTK mode?

is it possible within Navio+ to combine the IMU & RTK measurements into a single data feed or does this require a custom Kalman filter outside the Navio?

Thanks in advance for any help.

From my experience the raw data output rate on NEO-M8N dropped to 1Hz when GLONASS raw data was enabled. But some people say that they were able to get higher rate by disabling stuff like SBAS etc.

Accuracy can be even better if you’re in the field and using a good antenna with proper ground plane.

RPi has enough processing power to run Kalman itself.

Attached my 10Hz Fix Solution output
(Time left: 13:02:37:70, Time right: 13:02:37:80 => 100ms difference
=> f= 1/100ms= 10Hz)
from two NEO-M8N connected over USB, in Kinematic Mode, GPS + GLONASS, disable SBAS and NMEA output, and disabled output to all not used peripherals (in my case UART,SPI and I2C) and I need a higher baud rate (about 230400). These configurations could be done with the u-center.

I don’t know If it’s possible to get 10 Hz over SPI but you could try it by adding one command to the ubx_spi_m8n_glo_raw_1hz.cmd:

for 10 Hz you could try to add this command:

!UBX CFG-RATE 100 1 1

There are other people in this (german) Forum RTKLIB-Anwendungen mit u-blox M8 - Seite 4 - Geospector GPS-Forum (vormals kowoma GPS-Forum) who also get more then 1Hz RAW data from NEO-M8N