HELP - Downloading configured Raspbian image

Hello guys

I’m beginner and new to the NAVIO2 / Raspberry universe and I have some questions:

I have a Mac 15” Retina (OS El Captain), NAVIO2 and Raspberry PI 3 b.

On the site where there is documentation on the NAVIO2 “” and did not understand some things:

  1. is described:

"Downloading configured Raspbian image”

Navio2 requires the Raspbian preconfigured to run. We provide a unified SD card image for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. The OS is headless, i.e. it comes without the GUI it is not required for drone applications. "


I downloaded the RASPIAN “05/27/2016-raspbian-jessie.img” using the link “Raspberry Pi OS – Raspberry Pi” and realized the SD CARD installation procedures and put in Raspberry PI and it worked when I put the HDMI cable to the TV without any OS/SW NAVIO2.

The question is: I have to download the image NAVIO2 “emlid-raspbian-20160718.img” and uncompress it into the same SD Card where this installed Raspbian?

I ask this because when when I use the command to create the image on the SD CARD

“sudo dd if = / Users / fabioferreira / Downloads / 27.05.2016-raspbian-jessie.img of = / dev / rdisk2 bs = 1m”

it destroys all SD CARD data.

I tried to create the image without Raspbian, only using the information provided on the site EMILID “

“Sudo dd if = / Users / fabioferreira / Desktop / NAVIO2 / emlid-raspbian-20160718.img of = / dev / rdisk2 bs = 1m”

But when I put the HDMI cable into the Raspberry PI 3 he gave no video signal.

What could be going wrong?

Please help me.

I hope, this is not the command you typed in! Beware that extra spaces are not needed.

This bit says that we provide our own custom Raspbian that MUST be used instead of a Raspberry Pi Foundation’s one.

Please verify using md5 utility that the image you downloaded is the same as you’re trying to flash.

The output of
md5 emlid-raspbian-20160718.img
should match the hash in MD5 file you can download in here.

I also suggest adding your network credentials to /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf and see if you can connect to your device./