Height values input and export

Have a few questions about the height values.

  1. How do I feed in antenna height into the base when it is in “Average Single” mode. In manual mode, I see an “Antenna height” field, but not in average single mode.
  2. When I export (GeoJson/SHP/DXF), is the height value after antenna height has been subtracted or do I need to subtract it?

I’ll tackle the first question:

  1. I think the assumption is that errors in single mode height are greater than the height of a standard pole (unless you have a really large antenna height), edit: so being able to enter the antenna height may not matter much to the outcome. However if you are going to apply a 3D offset after an accurate base coordinate is determined, then yes, I can see that the antenna height would be good to have. --> Make a feature request!
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And I’ll take the 2nd question. When you export a “Survey” the points will already include the antenna offset. You don’t need to do additional calculations.


@Brent_W Thanks for the info. I was confused because the GeoJSON output has the antenna height as a parameter.

Please correct me if I am wrong: When I set the base mode to average single (say 3 mins observation), the base will collect samples for 3 mins and the app shows me the averaged L,L,H (say point B)

Now all the rover points are with respect to this point B right? If the rover outputs a point L*, L*,H* (say point R), the height is H*, doesn’t that mean the actual elevation difference between B and R is (H* - H - Base Antenna Height)

(added an edit to my post above)

The rover’s coordinates are absolute, meaning the angles and heights are relative to the Earth. But if the base position in inaccurate(3 minutes single is inaccurate) the rover’s position will be shifted by this inaccuracy exactly.

@egor.fedorov Got it! Thanks for the info.

@bide: I’ll make a feature request!

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