Harxon external radio config tool

Has anyone had success downloading and using the configuration tool supplied by Harxon? I downloaded the tool today and antivirus said that it appeared that I might be malicious because it was from an unknown publisher. I overlooked this and ran it anyway, install seemed fine. Then when I went to open it, nothing happens. Won’t open.


Use another antivirus

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how did you connect the harxon from rs3
mine is from type C OTG
i cant figure out how to connect to serial

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So, had to run the compatibility troubleshooter, and after some trial and error, the app ran.

I am in the process of working all this out now!

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Hi @brentonholmes1984 ,

That’s good news you were able to run the app.

Could you share what was done? It could be helpful for other users in the future.

Regarding connectivity with the Harxon external radio, this guide explains how to set up the RS3 RTK over a UHF radio.


Thanks Victor. It appears as though the app which Harxon provide is compatible with Windows 8, so after installation on a Windows 11 OS, right click on the desktop app, click ‘More options’ then ‘Run compatibility troubleshooter’ and then run through the prompts. The compatibility trouble shooter will get to a stage asking if the app ran on an older version of Windows, to which you need to reply yes. Then it makes whatever adjustments it makes and the app works.


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