GPS + Beidou will not work in raw files Post-Processing?

Hello all,

We tested GPS + Beidou in RTK settings and it worked better in RTK mode. However, if we used the raw files recorded with GPS + Beidou either for static surveying or PPK processing, the files seems to not work. Does anyone experience this issue?

Here are our log files:

Please share your experience, and if you can try with commercial software such as EZSurv.

Thank you.

Works fine here! (base1 as rover, base2 as base/nav, no additional files used, GPS AR mode Continous)
Base1_30_Minutes_201807310312.pos (267.2 KB)

EZSurv software works fine with your files.

Can you show some screenshots?

Find below some screen shots.
Excellent results!
I processed the 3 files as static and verify the triangle closure.

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Did you use GPS+Beidou or GPS only when processed?

Did you need to convert the UBX files to other format before import them to your software?

EZSurv reads native UBX files (so I did not convert the files to RINEX)
As shown and highlighted on the image, both constellation were used in the PP solution (GPS and BeiDou)

we tested with your trial software but it could not import the files. Because our trial expired? or you have updated version that work with the files?

Could you extend few days for us to further test? Can EZSurv process GPS + Beidou + Galileo data from Reach RS?

EZSurv can post-process all constellations (GPS, Glonass, Galileo and Beidou).
With EZSurv Edit / Process Parameters, you can activate / deactivate a constellation. We recommend you keep all constellation checked.

Your demo license has expired, so that is the reason you cannot import your files.

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