Getting Started: Unable to upgrade to ReachView v2.9.3 with iPhone 6+

@TB_RTK, reading your message again and previous explanations by @bide, this is my understanding:

A. Reach as hotspot: Ensure no other Wifi is operating.

  1. Power off the iPhone,
  2. Boot reach, wait 2 minutes for the network to establish itself.
  3. Power on iPhone, in Wifi, select reach hotspot,
  4. In browser, load reach.local, enter password as requested.
  5. We should get EMLID Status window, waiting or refreshing as necessary.

In this configuration, we can carry out survey and record the results using the iPhone.

B. iPhone as hotspot: Ensure no other Wifi is operating.

  1. Power off reach,
  2. Power on iPhone and establish Wifi data and hotspot,
  3. Power on reach, wait 2 minutes for net to establish. It should log onto iPhone hotspot.
  4. In browser, load reach.local, enter password as requested.
  5. We should get EMLID Status window, waiting or refreshing as necessary.

In this configuration, we can carry out survey and record the results using the iPhone.

I would mention that:

  • for A, no previous setup is required
  • for B, previous setup is required
    • Reach must be set to connect with iPhone hotspot

Also, in part B. 4. no password will be requested because the password was already given by Reach to the iPhone hotspot.

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What is your iPhone model? We’ve done numerous tests with this setup and it should work. Does your phone show there is a device connected?

The app is still running when you are updating. You actually need to reboot, because this is the only way to ensure all parts of the system that got updated, got reloaded. Otherwise, you some parts of software might become incompatible, which is undesired at best.

Hello Egor

Today I have had troubles connecting to my iphone hotspot and yesterday it connected rightaway.
I am using an Iphone 5s with ios 11…1
I did finally get connected to my phone hotspot today by deleting my home router off the reach.
Using fing I do not see any devices from the iphone.
If I use fing on my Ipad which is also connected to the iphone hotspot I get a list of the devices.

Also if I use your Reach App on the iphone it gives me the address of the reach module while in hotspot mode.


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