Geotagging with emlid reach m+‏‏


I have Emlid Reach M+ component.

I use it with an ADTI 24MP camera which i put on a fix wing drone to tag the photos.

for some reason, when i geotag the photos after a mission with Emlid studio software, i get

a bunch of photos with the same gps and time stamp.

We understand It’s recommended to use the base with the drone in PPK to record precise time marks, but It’s important to know we don’t care about the accuracy of the data, we just don’t want to get a bunch of photos with the same gps and time stamp.

Thank you

[Date](https://C:\Users\User\Desktop\Diffrent Documents\DT\ניסוי קרקעי אורנו\רכב\DT\ניסוי 3\ריץ\מ)

If you aren’t correcting the images then you might as well be flying a Phantom or Mavic. I don’t know where you are located but there are several providers that offer post capture downloads of the Rinex files.

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Hi Adva,

I see that you’ve already contacted us via email. You can share your files there since there may be a sensitive data. I also replied to your email – we can proceed with troubleshooting there.

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