Geotagging Solution For drones using Reach

Hi guys ,
Im new to Reach and i have not yet got my hands on a Reach GNSS. I was thinking is it possible for the Reach GNSS to communicate with the camera that will be used in the Mapping so as to geo tag the photos then and there at the time of trigger and reduce the burden of geotagging. I came across Drotag - ( . I thought Reach could do the same because it has a GPS, IMU and a Linux computer. The Drotag also uses the opensource library(open-source project libgphoto2) for PTP and take photos from camera and store the geotagged photo in the sd card. can this be done in Reach ? If yes then some one can throw some light on to it. Please im looking for some possible solution using Reach.


Yes, you could connect Reach with your camera and take photos with geotags.
Read our community experience in this field, please.

You could also use forum search tool and find more about integration Reach with camera :slight_smile:

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I dont want to download logs from Pixhwak. I want Reach to log its GPS and IMU data when the camera is triggered . Is it possible to do in Reach?

Reach does exactly that. It is perfectly suited for geotagging pictures. Currently it will not do this on-the-fly and there is a good reason for that. By capturing precise time stamp for each picture we are able to extract positions by means of post-processing, which does not require constant radio communication and thus is more simple and robust. There are many users doing picture tagging for photogrammetry, check out their stories by following the link by @andrew.yushkevich.

Thank you
but is it also possible for REACH to communicate with the camera which have PTP compliace and geotag the data on the fly in the camera or Reach’s itself ?
No need of postprocessing in that case right? Just import the photos directly in Pix4d or Agisoft or anyother software.
I mean if you are familiar how phantom 4 does geotag its images and stores them into the sd card
something similar like that ? is it possible by using libgphoto2 or chdkptp libraries on Intel Edison in Reach ?

Dev was started for Drotag to run on Navio+ and then it stopped. Have not seen any updates from Airborne Projects since Oct 16. Not at all sure what their status is at this time…

It would be nice to have libgphoto2 support. Not sure if it makes more sense on the RPi distro for Navio though. Especially since ArduPilot now supports enhanced camera logging with shutter event feedback. Think it would be a simpler workflow to keep it all on the Navio and save to USB/SD card.

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but is it also possible for REACH to communicate with the camera which have PTP compliace and geotag the data on the fly in the camera or Reach’s itself ?

Unfortunately, PTP is poorly implemented in most of the cameras and quite limited by itself, so it won’t help much.

Thank you for the reply Coby Leuschke.

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Thanks Mikhail . Is it possible to use libgphoto2 ?

@Venkatakrishnan well, maybe, but all cameras are so individual and this is definitely a very complex task with a lot of underwater stones.

Just thinking, as majority of professional cameras have the option to configure the prefix of the picture names, and counter number, would be a great feature if we can configure on reachview exactly the same on the events page, so we set the prefix and reset the counter on both reachview and camera for every flight, and then we will have the events labeled with the picture name.