Geoid EGM2008 Esri Field Maps


I am comparing height values from RX and Trimble R2 using esri Field Maps. RX is reporting about 3.7m higher values.

While using Trimble Mobile Manager I set the geoid to EGM08. This passes EGM08 heights to feature geometry and it is working well. I tested with control points and other receivers.

There is no function in Emlid Flow app to set geoid model, it is still passing geoid heights to esri Field Maps. But these heights are 3.7m more than Trimble. And I don’t know what geoid model or separation it is passing to esri. The ellipsoidal heights are almost similar.


Ellipsoidal height: 0.87

EGM2008: 32.74

Trimble R2

Ellipsoidal height: 0.77

EGM2008: 29.06

Trimble heights match the control points and other receivers and software.

Logically, RX should just pass ellipsoid heights to Field Maps. Does RX has a hardcoded geoid model in it? Is there a way to replace it?


Hi @Y_Chau,

We’re already in contact with you via email, so let’s continue our discussion there.

If anyone faces a similar issue, please create a new thread or contact us via We’ll investigate that.

Hi Ruth, I almost forgot that I already asked this question here. It’s been quite a long time and I didn’t hear back from support. Let me know if there is any update.


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