FW 32 NMEA corruption


I was on FW 31.8 but occasionally recording of RINEX data didn’t occur so I have updated to FW 32, but now my position streaming of NMEA data seems to be completely corrupted. I tried a “Restore Initial Settings” and then reconfigured everything, but I still have the same issue.

The data coming over the RFD900x connection looks like there is a baud rate error or something like that as there is data flowing, but it is lots of escape codes and garbage data.

Any known issues with an M2 and FW32 related to NMEA position streaming via S1?


Nevermind, I was configuring the wrong GPS…I have three of them on my drone and when I put them back on after the firmware update, I swapped cables.



Hi @Keithb,

Totally understandable! I’m glad to hear you’ve sorted it out. Is everything running smoothly now?


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