Full System Report _ Trouble shooting

Several months ago I was instructed by Support to generate a Full System Report using the steps shown below to troubleshoot a battery issue with one of my RS3 units. I’m just now getting to implementing the instructions since I was mostly out of commission until recently. I was trying to use the RS3’s earlier this week but the Base (the unit with the issues) would hold a charge for only about six hours before dying completely. Yesterday, (following Support’s instructions) I did the initial full discharge followed by a full charge and am in the process of the second full discharge. However, at this point, the Base RS3’s WiFi signal won’t show up on my Android tablet or IPhone. Is this normal? (The Rover WiFi will pop right up on the tablet screen when the Rover is powered on). The Base RS3 that’s being tested currently has 4 power LEDs, the left Status LED is Blinking Blue (Searching networks). So, big question is, Why won’t the discharging RS3 present a WiFi signal that can be picked up by the IPhone or tablet. In the Instructions list from Support (shown below) I’ve indicated (bold text) where I’m at in the steps.

Let’s do a full battery cycle test on your Reach RS3. It’ll help us see what is happening on the receiver. Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure that your receiver has the latest 31.8 (now 32.2, and I’ve updated it) firmware version.
  2. Leave the unit discharging until it shuts down completely.
  3. Connect your Reach RS3 to a stable power source, such as a wall adapter or a PC. Ensure Reach LEDs indicate charging.
  4. Turn on Reach RS3 and leave it on an overnight charge (at least 9 hours).
  5. Disconnect the charge. Wait until Reach RS3 fully discharges and turns off itself.
  6. Connect the power supply and turn on Reach RS3.
  7. Download a Full System report
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Hi Steve,

Thanks for getting back to us!

We’ve addressed the battery issue in firmware version 32. Are you experiencing an issue with the updated firmware?

If the unit was connected and then lost the connection, it will keep searching for the Wi-Fi until you reboot it. After a reboot, the network LED will flash blue for a bit before it turns back to white.

Let’s temporarily turn off the Wi-Fi router and then do a hard reboot of your RS3. To do so, hold down the power button for about 15 seconds, or until all the LEDs turn off, then turn the receiver back on.

Please let me know how it goes.

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The battery issue seems to have been resolved by updating firmware to 32.2. Thanks.


Hi Steve,

Thank you for the update! It’s good to hear that the battery has improved.

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