From Reach RTK over RTKPOST to Pix4D

I trigger the DSLR with PWM from my drone, then the DSLR hotshoe triggers the Reach rover. I can see it in the ReachView app, under Camera control - Last time mark. Every time I trigger the DSLR, the time changes.

My first question is: where do I see the time mark event counter? Let’s say I’ve triggered the DSLR 156 times, there should somewhere be a counter that shows 156.

Then, as I plan to use the Reach rover for PPK, I’ve set the Raw data logging to RINEX, because of the output of the reference stations in my country, which are also Rinex. In the Logging window I can see that the amount of data is growing, so it’s obviously logging. When I downloaded the zip file, there were 3 files: *.nav, *.obs and *.sbs.

The next step I haven’t done yet: to buy the Referent stations Rinex data.

But when I buy them, if I understand it good, I put both *.obs files (from the rover and the Referent stations) in the Rtkpost, add the *.nav file, add all the values as in the user manual. And press execute.

So what do I get after that? How do I get the postprocessed accurate coordinates of every picture that was triggered? How do I combine them in Pix4D? It needs a CSV, Dat or Txt file. How do I get them?

Or perhaps I’m missing a big part…

Once you press execute using reference station, it should return processed coordinates. if they provide post processing service for your RINEX data.

The steps you’ve described seem OK. After you post-process your logs with our Rtkpost(you have to use ours). After post-processing, you should have two files: XXXXXXXXXXX.pos and XXXXXXXXXXX_events.pos. They are both text, human readable and are very close to CSV.

Take a look at our tutorial.

Regarding the counter, Reach only has the ability to count TMs for the duration of its boot, not your log. So we decided to not put a misleading number to the interface. You can the the exact amount in RTKCONV, when converting UBX to RINEX, or in the _events.pos file in the end.

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