Fly without gcs

I have built my quad according to ivereninov’s 450mm build and it’s get arm and everything works fine but is there a way to arm the drone without using gcs I,e asoon as the pi boots up fly it up just using RC…because I have a huge internet problem and my wifi range is also limited and hence both my drone and gcs can’t be in same network…
Does please anyone know any solution please suggest…

Thank you…

Yes you can absolutely fly without a GCS. You should check that the LED is solid green before flying. Arm motors with yaw stick (right = arm, left = disarm).


Thanks man @i-copter

Do we have to set yaw stick to arm it or its pre done
And is there a procedure to make it turn green usually after I arm it from my gcs it would turn green…

I suggest that you take a read through this:
