Flow app freezed and projects disappeared

My Flow app freezed when I tried to export current project points to csv. I had to close the app with Android Overview button and swipe it. But when I reopened the Flow app all my projects were missing. And still are.

Is it possible to get my projects back? I suppose they are in there. Or I hope so. I downloaded the LLH log and UBX log. So maybe I can find my points also there with less work than driving again 700 km to survey?

Reach RS2, firmware 28.4.
Doogee S88Pro, Android 10.0-20210107



Hi @j.aho!

Can you double-check that you’re logged into your Emlid account the same way (sign in with Google or with your email, for example) and using the same email as when this project was created? It could be the reason for missing files if you were logged out during the app freeze.

If you have UBX and LLH files, you can still process them in PPK using Emlid Studio. You can try to process data in Kinematic, but it’s difficult to get separate points using this method without a Flow project. So, it’s better to check if we can find the projects first.

Hi, I logged out, logged in and there are the projects again.

Thank you, you are the best!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Glad to hear you were able to find everything you needed, and thank you for your kind words :slightly_smiling_face:

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