Flow 10.7 crashing


I’ve updated the flow app through 10.6 and onto 10.7 and experiencing crashes consistently. I’m using a samsung phone, which like the owner is showing major signs of age. Has anyone else been experiencing the same with new versions?

I was using the app today in the field. I couldn’t navigate to a stake out without a crash and when I try to select the objects icon, big crashes happen.

I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall the app. I upgraded to 10.7 this afternoon but the problems persisted. Now I’m home from site ill try another device to see if this is a constant or a sign to upgrade the tech.

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Hi Scott,

What is the model of your phone and its OS version?

Hi Julia

I’m using a Samsung A9 with Android 10. It’s been a while since the last update (2022), which may be part of the issue. I’ve never had any issues with Flow until yesterday.


I am having the same issue. Started out the day fine, then has crashed continually since. Using a new android device. I have done 'Force Stop", Uninstall and reinstall no improvement.

Hi @Mickmcgoldrick,

I see, could you please also tell me the model of your phone and its OS version? Do you work with the latest 10.7 version of the app?

I just tried it myself, but I couldn’t catch these crashes. Do they persist with all the projects, or only with some of them? Can you please send me a screencast of the issue?

Hi Julia.

I’ve just tried to open an older project and it seems to work fine (I keep the flow site clean so there aren’t many prjects there so can only check one other project at the moment). I then created a new project within both 360 and flow app and they seem to work fine.

The project setup for site yesterday is still causing crashes for some reason.



Do you use WMS layers, Base shift, or Localization in the project where the issue persists? Could you please send me this project? It should be possible to export it from the Emlid Flow 360.

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Hi Julia.

It was a basic RTK project. Known point on the ground plus check point from previous survey. UTM30N in WGS84. Base RS2+ setup on one point broadcasting over the caster to rover. I use the RS2+ internal wifi for connection and 4G sim in each unit.

In total there are 6 points in the project (4 captured within flow app on RTK). Very basic small GNSS section for a subsea structure being loaded out from a harbour. It was also a little intro for a friend who hasn’t used the emlid environment before so I was going through the setup etc with him. The crashes didn’t help my ted talk much…

The known points were manually entered and not imported by file. The survey element was working fine just crashing everytime I tried to see the objects. I didn’t have time to start new projects and investigate on site, so can’t say what other things were happening when using the app.

I can share no problem, what is the best method to do so?


Further update @julia.shestakova. I loaded up the tablet and checked the projects. All were fine other than the project create on site on Tuesday. The tablet is running 9.12 flow. The project was created around 13:00hrs UK time. Is there a possibility there was an issue with the central servers which have corrupted projects? I can access all the data on flow 360 but in all formats and multiple devices that project seems to be corrupted.

Hi Julia,
Thanks for your help.
I am using version 10.7. I am using an Oppo A78. I have noticed the crash only happens on the project, I created yesterday. It is not happening on other saved projects.

Same as mine Mick. What time did you setup the project?

Further info on this.

I’ve been looking at the exported stop and go file and running it as PPK (training purposes and writing guides for field use). The export has no start times for the sampling. The points were recorded using a 1min log on RTK, but the column for start time is blank. I’ve tried to manually input these but flow is refusing to accept the file. Even the native export csv from flow (360 and app) is flagging an error for the time stamps not being able to be converted.

I have time today so may head out and grab a data set around the park and see if there is a consistent issue here. Luckily the data was trash and for training only.

Hi guys,

Thank you a lot for sharing all these details. It’s a good catch that the averaging start time is missing in the project where the issue persists. I’ve passed this report to our devs to investigate it. Once I have any updates, I’ll share them with you.

Scott, you can send your CSV to me just via PM. I can also look into Stop & Go processing in Emlid Studio. But for this, please send me raw data logs from your base and rover as well.

That just happened to me. Using two different phones. One is a Ulefone Armor 8 pro, with Android 11. The second phone is a Pixel 6a with Android 14. I tried to create two points to stake out. I was only able to get one point in the Ulefone, after that, it was crash after crash when I tried to use the same function. And it still does.

I hope we get a fix for this. It made me look bad today, lol.

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Hi guys,

We’ve just released a 10.8 version of the app with a possible fix for this issue. Can you please update your app and test whether it’s solved for you now?


The issue remains. Version 10.8 didn’t work for me.


I am the same. Updated on three devices and still occurs.


Oooooooooooffffff. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Thank you for checking it, guys!

I’ll discuss it with the developers.

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I discussed it. The issue should be fixed and not occur anymore in the new projects. Speaking of the old projects where it still persists, looks like it happens because of the manually created points. So the way to make it work now is to:

  1. Delete such points by selecting them on the map in the project.
  2. Creating new points with the same coordinates manually if needed.

You can also first export the project using Emlid Flow 360. It will help you see which of the points are created manually and not lose their coordinates.

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