Hello there,
I am having a hard time locating the flight logs on the Buster image on the Navio2 for my quadcopter. I have checked under the /var/APM/logs, or /var/log/APM and cannot find the files (No such APM directory even exists).
I manually upgraded the firmware of the copter to ArduCopter-4.0.3, so not sure if this affects how the logging is performed. Additionally, when I connect with MissionPlanner, I can see a list of the log files for the various flights
but cannot download them into MP, receiving error “Error in log Timeout on read - GetLog” after a few seconds. This is why I am attempting to locate the files so I can sftp them to my computer.
Additionally, I ran from the root directory
find ./ -name "*.bin"
find ./ -name "*.log"
which didn’t provide clues to where the logs may be.
Could I borrow someone’s wisdom on this?