FIX solution is off by tens of centimeters

An issue I have with M2 is that it doesn’t work very well over long baselines >10-15km. The fixed solution is always off a random number 10-20-30cm compared to my main rover (Hemishpere based chip). I have seen this numerous times and I don’t understand why this happens. Maybe the Harxon antenna I use? I don’t know. Over small baselines <10km the fixed solutions match every time.
Anyway as another user mentioned, I would like to see improvements in the accuracy and repeatability of the receiver.

Hi @vgo195,

Could you please share the coordinates of the points collected from both Reach M2 and your main rover, along with the coordinate system you use?

Shorter baselines usually provide more consistent results. But let’s still check what’s going on with the accuracy in your case.

How is it used in your setup?

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