First Test

Hi Igor

I’ve made the first test today, with best-known CP (Control Point) to make a comparison.

The first point had a fix and the difference in lat/long is 3,0/2,4 cm. The GCP coordinates have a precision of 7,0/7,0 cm.

Then, with other points, I couldn’t reach the fix (more than 20 minutes). What can be the problem?

I use the Swipos caster: do I have to consider the “base mode” in Reach RS app? Or not?

I think to have used the default setting in the app.

Best Raguards

Hi i8gnss
Is it possible to provide raw data (* .ubx) for this 20-minute session?
We are at the stage of developing a pre-processing progam in which the user will be able to remove signal interference. It will take some time but this test example can be useful.

Hi Ryszard
Here the raw data of the first measure and of the second. I’ve tried to measure with Swipos (Switzerland) and with Spin Gnss (of the near Italy).

Normally can I have real time position data or do I have to post processing to have the precision of 1 cm?

Best Regards (1.9 MB) (4.4 MB)

There are no disturbances in this session. For a precision of 1 cm, it is required to use VRS (NTRIP or postprocessed RTN). You can order such a VRS in SWIPOS. I checked only the quality of the measurement, which is OK.
On the evidence of two reports: Report_StaticIGS_i8gnss.pdf (176.1 KB) i8gn0030.pdf (104.5 KB)
My advice is to order VRS and calculate rtkpost. This should explain the reasons for failure.
Best regards

As I wrote, I used Swipos VRS_GISGEO but, except the first survey, with the others was not possible to reach Fix. Did you see that problem?

To finish this thread, I generated VRS_IGS (30 sec. interval). The conclusion is that only GPS satellites give correct results. It looks like there was operator interference during the session (a few times) :slight_smile:
Best regards
Report_RTN_IGS_i8gnss.pdf (499.0 KB)
vrs10030.pdf (125.0 KB)


You should be able to get the cm accuracy in real-time.

How long was the baseline? Did you make sure that Glonass AR was set to “off” for working with NTRIP?

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