Feature Suggestion - Emlid Studio Processing Report

Hi Emlid,

A feature request for you for Emlid Studio…

Could you add in a report file to be produced whenever ES performs a processing run. Having the processing report would help keep track of settings and files used, and would also provide a useful record of information to be added to client reports.

I’d envisage the report to be a simple plain text file containing something like:

  • Software Name & Version eg Emlid Studio 1.8
  • Date & Time of processing run (start/end)
  • Type of Processing Run eg Static / Drone / Stop & Go etc
  • Names of the Input Files eg the .rnx, .24O, 24P, .mrk, .nav, .obs, .csv files
  • Position Details for Base - eg RINEX Header, Lat/Long/Height dd/dms, XYZ, ECEF etc the position data used
  • Names of the Output Files - eg .csv, .pos etc
  • Processing parameters used - ie Emlid Studio Settings for Filter type, SNR, integer Ambiguity etc.

Sometimes multiple processing runs are performed when trying to get the best results for a set of observations or a point fix, and it’s not always easy to keep track of which settings you used for which set of results!

Maybe something like:

> Date of Processing				11 April 2024
> Start time						
> End time
> Processing Parameters
> ---------------------
> Base Location 		Lat/Long/Height dd
> 						ETRF89			RMS
> Lat					55.64721762		0.011
> Long					-2.77042009		0.005
> Ellip.Height:			264.595			0.02
> Solution				FIX
> PDOP					1.1
> Antenna Height		1.934m
> Averaging Start		2024-04-11 14:36:46.2 UTC+01:00
> Averaging End			2024-04-11 14:38:46.2 UTC+01:00
> EMlid Studio 1.8
> ----------------
> Processing				Drone Data
> Use Base Observations		On
> Filter Type				Combined
> Elevation Mask			20 deg
> SNR Mask					L1		l2
> 							35		40
> 							QZSS	BeiDou
> Integer Ambiguity 		GPS			GLONASS		BDS
> Resolution				FIX & Hold	Fix & Hold	On
> Input Files
> -----------
> Drone Observation File	Droneflight_PPKOBS.obs
> Base Observation File		RS3_raw_20240411090309.24O
> Drone Navigation File		Droneflight_PPKNAV.nav
> Drone .MRK File			Droneflight_Timestamp.MRK
> Output Files
> ------------
> Droneflight_PPKNAV_PPKOBS_events.pos
> Droneflight_PPKNAV_PPKOBS.pos
> Original images updated	No
> Images processed			200
> Image output Directory	directory\name\here

I appreciate some of the information is already present in the processed output files, but it would be useful to have it collated into a single file.


Hi Nick,

Thanks for the feature request. This sounds like a nice feature to have in Emlid Studio, indeed.

I can imagine how this feature can be helpful when processing multiple files and when you want to keep track of the processing settings, especially during troubleshooting.

I’ll pass this on as a feature request. :smile:


Agreed. Great suggestion. Let’s get it implemented. :slight_smile:

1 Like

I he needed also given in the report

#name latitude/Y longitude/X height/Z FIX/FLOAT/SPS
DSC05238.JPG 52.168197 18.0862727 84.29 FIX
DSC05239.JPG 52.1682039 18.086264 82.69 FLOAT