External LoRa radio for Trimble machine control

Has anyone found a solution for the above? As noted in a previous thread - it would be nice to be able to plug an external LoRa radio into a machine to get corrections direct from an RS2.

Hi @stringersurveys,

LoRa radio can only operates with Reach receivers. But you can use the Trimble receiver and Reach RS2+ over Emlid Caster. For that, you only need a stable Internet connection on your worksite, connecting both devices to the same mount point in Emlid Caster, and you’re good to go. Would it be an option for you?

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I was looking at exactly this yesterday but for Leica MC1 as there is an external radio option in the positioning settings and some of our sites have unreliable 4G coverage.

With the RS series being so easy to setup as a base station, it would be ideal if we could link them upto our excavators over radio UHF or LORA. The only way would be to purchase the external satelline radio from emlid to broadcast on UHF rather than putting a LORA receiver on each machine

Yes, that’s a great option where there is phone coverage but I was looking for a radio option where there is no phone service.

Agreed. A plug and play Emlid LoRa radio for the machines would be ideal. Would also get around the radio licencing issues.