Export trajectory at 2hz

I’ve collected a simple trajectory with 5hz settings (GPS+GLONASS), I’ve postprocessed with base but I would like to export my final data with rate 2hz
is it possible ?



Hi Francesco,
If you post-process with Emlid Studio, you can set the interval to 2 Hz (0.5 s) in the settings and then run the computation. The output trajectory will have a 2Hz rate.

Hi Florian
I had already tried this setting but I’m not able to obtains 2 measures per sec instead if I set the the interval to 0.2sec (I collected the trajectory at 5hz) I’m able to obtain 5 measeures per sec
where am I wrong ?
can I share my data ?



Hi Francesco, actually after second thoughts, what I told you does not work because your input interval of 0.2 sec (5Hz) cannot be decimated to 0.5 sec (2Hz) .

  • With 5Hz you have an obs at .00, .20, .40, .60 and .80 of a second.
  • With 2 Hz you have an obs at .00 and .50 of a second.

Only the .00 epoch is in common in both settings. So I you set 0.5 sec in Emlid Studio settings, I would bet for a 1 sec output. Is that the case ?

To obtain a 2Hz trajectory from a 5Hz trajectory then that means you have to do your own script to somehow interpolate the .50 epoch from the 0.40 and the 0.60 epochs… that’s becoming tedious !

Yes, you can share your data here.

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Hi Florian
perfect ! Your analysis is correct
maybe we can ask to developer team if it’s possible to add more rates in the reachview app ?

thx for support

ps the reason of 2 hz it’s because my camera settings is 2 picture per second :slight_smile:



Hi Francesco,

When the camera triggers, Reach records a time mark in the log. After post-processing, you obtain the resulting coordinates of events with the rate of camera triggering. The number of trigger events is the number of points with the coordinates in the events.pos file. The interpolation is very precise.

The rate in the GNSS settings is the number of epochs per second, the events’ rate doesn’t depend on it.

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