Export dxf (meters/inches) (2)

as you write me back on 17.02.2023, that it should work, but it ist still not working.
i have the last update Emlid Flow. When I creating a new project, i cant choose between inches and meter. The are only meters (grey color - it means i cant change this value anyway).
After export dxf from smartphone and opening in Bentley Microstation the drawing file has milimeters as the main unit.
After export dxf from the same project from desktop pc and opening in Bentley Microstation the drawing file has inches as the main unit.
Milimeters and inches are both not useble anyway.

Since i bought the Emlid GPS in 10/2022 I must always on my each survey jod use the QGIS for creating dxf in meters and dxf with 4 layers (point, point name, height and desciption) from exported CSV from Emlid Flow. (about this 4 lyares is writen in my other topic and this is still no working )
So GPS Emlid RX is perfect for caring( very lightweight), perfect for battery live (10 hours easyly), very fast FIX suliotin, it content the Slovak national trasformation including the catastral grid, but there is still missing the 2 abbility in Emlid Flow:

  • exported DXF is not in meters
  • exported DXF does not have 4 must-have layres for surveyors

I am very dissepointed about this two disadvanteges which are still not sorted out.
Please, can you repair this tasks?


Hi Peter,

The project system (metric or imperial) should now be exported correctly, but the units used are inches and millimeters. These are the initial values in AutoCAD. But it’s strange that you get inches for a project in the metric system in Emlid Flow 360.

I’ve passed all the details to our devs. We’ll look into how we can solve the issues with metric and imperial units for you. I’ll let you know once there are any updates.

exported DXF does not have 4 must-have layres for surveyors

Have you tried DXF with point labels? It contains geometry, names, codes, and heights. If this option doesn’t suit you, can you tell me more about the requirements for your DXF with 4 layers?

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