Excavation grading with Reach RS2

Well, I thought that the people who have helped me figure out all of these issues deserve an update on what I settled on. Two ish months ago my boss at the time bought two RS2 Units. They were great and did everything I wanted. The boss said I could use them whenever I needed to for my farm work and excavating. After that I bought Field Genius advanced and put it on my Dell 7217 rugged tablet, this whole system was working very well. The boss had two units which meant you could use one as a base or the boss also had an NTRIP caster that he sold rtk correction to farmers with. Then about a month ago I needed to use the units and they were in use so instead of waiting patiently I went and bought my own. Shortly after that I lost my job at that company which meant I had to find somewhere else to get rtk from or the lesser option of buying another RS2 which I did not feel like coughing up the cash for another 2700 dollar unit. This led me to this past week where I bought an M2 and Lora radio to make a portable base station with. Thanks to all of you for helping with the things I didn’t know.

  • Ian Lawton
  • Southwestern Ontario, Canada


Thanks for sharing an update on your experience with our devices! :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear you lost the job. Hopefully, you can continue the surveying work nevertheless! If you have any further questions on working with our devices, feel free to start a new thread or contact us via email support@emlid.com.

Way to go! :+1:

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