Error with cross compiling APM

I am having some troubles installing APM. Any help would be much appreciated :slight_smile: This is what I have :smile:

MacBook-Air-de-Mays:~ Maysun$ cd ~/ardupilot/ArduPlane
MacBook-Air-de-Mays:ArduPlane Maysun$ git checkout navio
Already on 'navio’
Your branch is up-to-date with ‘origin/navio’.
MacBook-Air-de-Mays:ArduPlane Maysun$ make configure
…/mk/ WARNING - A /Users/Maysun/ardupilot/ file has been written
…/mk/ Please edit the file to match your system configuration, if you use a different board or port
MacBook-Air-de-Mays:ArduPlane Maysun$ make navio
building /var/folders/n5/b8zq5nvd56n4l3c9grjr7wjw0000gn/T/
%% ArduPlane.cpp
%% ArduPlane.o
/bin/sh: /opt/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++: cannot execute binary file
make: *** [/var/folders/n5/b8zq5nvd56n4l3c9grjr7wjw0000gn/T/] Error 126


The error is pretty clear: it says that you don’t have a compiler!

If that’s not the issue and you have one, you need to check your PATH environment variable.

The build on a Mac can be a little more difficult that on a Linux machine. A virtual machine with a Linux distribution might be the easiest solution for you. Actually, I came across the same problem a couple of months ago and compiled a simple tutorial how to get it done.

Thanks for this. I am following the tutorial step by step and when I type “ct-ng build” it says my file system is not case sensitive.Is it related to the fact that when I rename the config file to .config and copy it to the new disk image (RPi-EADI), it says the file will be hidden ?

After running it again this is what I get :

MacBook-Air-de-Mays:ArduPlane Maysun$ make configure
…/mk/ WARNING - A /Users/Maysun/ardupilot/ file has been written
…/mk/ Please edit the file to match your system configuration, if you use a different board or port
MacBook-Air-de-Mays:ArduPlane Maysun$ make navio
…/mk/ *** missing separator. Stop.


I suggest you to use a virtual machine with Ubuntu. It’ll be easier and quicker.

That’s what I did, it works perfectly and much faster !