Error : Configuring gbenchmark: failed

I want to compile your image to PXFmini, but I have this error: “waf configure --board=linux”: Configuring gbenchmark: failed

pi@navio:~/ardupilot $ waf configure --board=linux
Setting top to : /home/pi/ardupilot
Setting out to : /home/pi/ardupilot/build
Setting board to : linux
Checking for ‘g++’ (C++ compiler) : g++
Checking for ‘gcc’ (C compiler) : gcc
Checking for gbenchmark submodule : yes
Checking for program ‘cmake’ : /usr/local/bin/cmake
Checking for program ‘ninja, ninja-build’ : /usr/bin/ninja
Configuring gbenchmark : failed
Benchmarks : disabled
Checking for library gtest : yes
’configure’ finished successfully (1.637s)

Can you help me please, Thanks

@elfun_R Hi! PXFMini is not our product and thus we cannot provide support for it.

OK, Thanks