EPSG:3857 Errors

This has been tossed around, and no, EPSG:3857 is not good for surveying…however, it is the standard for many WMS basemaps.

I have created truth points with the emlid, and created GIS layers for mapping all in a local (NAD83) system…I have also done the same in EPSG:3857…in every GIS I use, data aligns properly.

However since EPSG:3857 is not natively supported…so we use NAD83 for our mapping projects…but we use Mapbox WMS, which are in EPSG:3857. There is a shift in alignment for these layers that DOES NOT exist in other GIS applications…a real frustration when trying to map up survey points and real world reference layers. The only way to make this work is apply a FALSE shift to a raster, publish that layer as a WMS and try to use that. Not ideal.

Any planned accurate support for EPSG:3857 or as a mapping frame (for less than critical applications)?