Empty pymavlink folder when compiling from sources

Hello! I am currently trying to cross-compile the ardupilot code.I have followed all steps from the “building from souces” tutorial section, but get the following error when running ‘waf copter’:

anderson@anderson-VirtualBox:~/ardupilot$ waf copter
Waf: Entering directory `/home/anderson/ardupilot/build/navio2’
[3/4] Processing modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml
/usr/bin/python: can’t open file ‘/home/anderson/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/pymavlink/tools/mavgen.py’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

mavgen returned 2 error code
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/anderson/ardupilot/build/navio2’
Build failed
-> task in ‘mavlink’ failed (exit status 2):
{task 140635302568496: mavgen ardupilotmega.xml -> }

I went to check, and the folder ardupilot/modules/mavlink/pymavlink is empy. It should’ve downloaded its contents when I cloned the ArduPilot repository, right? How do I fix/download the contempts of this folder?


Seems like submodule wasn’t updated. For fix it please use the following command:
git submodule update --init --recursive


I re-did the steps and included the mentioned line in order to update the submodule. I now have a new error:

anderson@anderson-VirtualBox:~/ardupilot$ waf copter
Waf: Entering directory `/home/anderson/ardupilot/build/navio2’
[3/4] Processing modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/anderson/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/pymavlink/tools/mavgen.py”, line 16, in
from pymavlink.generator import mavgen
File “/home/anderson/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/pymavlink/generator/mavgen.py”, line 12, in
from future import standard_library
ImportError: No module named future

mavgen returned 1 error code
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/anderson/ardupilot/build/navio2’
Build failed
-> task in ‘mavlink’ failed (exit status 1):
{task 139991474160816: mavgen ardupilotmega.xml -> }

Aparently it is trying to import a module called future?

Can anyone help? Thanks =)

You need a module future.
For install it use:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install future