Emlid Studio quality report

Hi, there!
I’m processing some drone PPK data and I’m in doubt about some infos.
There are 3 types of positional quality after the processing (FIX, FLOAT and SINGLE). What are they about? How many % of FIX images is enough for a good positional accuracy?
This flight of mine has 23% of SINGLE. Is this a case for a reflight?
I’m uploading a print of the end of the processing.

Thanks in Advance

Hi @suportevantga,

Welcome to the community!

We do have this glossary for the difference between fix, float, and single:

SINGLE means that the rover has found a solution relying on its own receiver and base corrections are not applied. Precision in standalone mode is usually at the several-meter level.

FLOAT means that the rover receives corrections from the base but cannot resolve all ambiguities, and in this case, the precision is usually at the submeter level.

FIX means that the rover using corrections from the base resolved the ambiguities in its positional calculation and achieved the solution with the centimeter-level precision.

I’d suggest having a Fix solution for centimeter-level precision. You can share your data here or support@emlid.com for further check.

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Thanks so much for the infos!

Is there a % threshold of FLOAT/SINGLE that do not affect the accuracy of the project?
Example: if I have 90% of the images in FIX quality the project will the accurate?


Hi @suportevantga,

Unfortunately, I am not sure about the threshold. The best way to know is to process the data in the photogrammetry software and check how it affects the overall accuracy of the model.

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