Emlid Studio 1 beta 9

Dear All,
I am a new user of Emlid Studio 1Beta 9. when i process data in PPK . in some case processing if Fixed.and in other some case processing is Single.
So, please tell me what idoing wrong.
and why it happens in some case.
when we check setting i found glonass is only two options first is on and other is off.
but before a day it comes three as beloe:
1st is ON
2nd is OFF
3rd is Fixed and Hold.
please anyone help to complete this .pos file processing.

Hi Amit,

Welcome to our forum!

Please share your data with me via PM. I’ll post-process them and will give you recommendations regarding initial settings. I suggest this way since there can be sensitive data.

Otherwise, you can email us at support@emlid.com.


By the way, we have recently released a stable version of Emlid Studio. You can download it from our docs and give it a try. It has all the latest improvements and updates, so I believe it will provide you with a better experience than the beta version.

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