Hi I know an older rs2 with a f9p board will work with topcon because I’ve seen @millsy.g be successful. I wonder what Emlid did to allow this. Was it the RTCM msgs or the rates? Was it the L2C vs LCP signals? I have had success using just a f9p and u-center but can only get a fix for about 20-40min. I am familiar with rtklib and snip and used them but it seems not to mater what I do.
Any info or help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hi Conner,
Every receiver may require specific settings, and it’s difficult to say what can make it work for Topcon. However, maybe someone else with similar experience can suggest something.
I can comment, however, on how it works from the Reach side. Reach receivers track the L2C signals. Our datasheet provides more information about what signals Reach tracks. Reach devices also require corrections in RTCM3 format.
We have used RS3 with a TPS GR5 base, always in RTCM3.
Another option we explored was an external UHF radio connected to an RS2 Base and gives corrections to Topcon and Trimble. It worked
It was only when Emlid made the options to include the Legacy settings that it started working longer than 20 minutes. They used to have the same 20-40 minute fix issue that you are having.
Whatever they did. I’m very grateful!
Okay well I did end up buying a reach M2 and gnss antenna last night and I’m excited to configure and test it out when I get it in 2-4 days.
I think the m2 should work just as good as a rs2 as I base. I do already have a permanent Antenna on my wall with a clear view of the sky and I think it will be compatible with the m2, please let me know if I’m wrong.
It’s interesting to me that Emlid was able to get a f9p to work stable with topcon. I’ve even translated f9p msm7 msgs to legacy msg using snip or rtklib to only have the same results.
I guess my question is how was Emild able to translate the F9P2 legacy messages because the F9P does not support legacy messages. I can use snip or rtklib To translate my F9P to Legacy messages but I was only able to get a fix for 20 to 40 minutes.
That’s why I assumed you guys must’ve done something else to get the F9P to work but if all you guys did was release an update to change the messages and rates then maybe snip or rtklib doesn’t Translate the messages well
just got my new m2, setup was easy, I streamed the data to snip/my pc and casted it to my topcon sr and i got a fix pretty quick and it seems to be really stable. all i had to do was change the msgs to legacy, i already knew my antenna pos/deg so i manually put them in emlidflow. I will do more testing but i’m loving it so far !
Glad you hopefully got your Topcon working with it!
Has anyone gotten a reach device to work as rover with topcon software like pocket 3d? I have an option to use the built in gps on my tablet. I think could change the mock location to use the m2 via Bluetooth and to get corrections to the m2 I think I can use pocket 3rd ntrip setup and send them to the m2 via Bluetooth
Worth a try
Yes you can use the m2 as a rover for pocket 3d. I have the demo version of pocket 3d on my android phone and I can use the built in gps as a rover. So all you have to do is set up a mock location app I used lefebure ntrip client and connect the m2 to the mockapp and pocket 3d should use the Emlid as a rover if your using the built in gps. I set up the ntrip corrections on the Emlid flow app. Crazy easy
I’m also glad everything is working with your M2.
Can you elaborate on why you prefer Pocket 3D? Are there any features you would like to see in Emlid Flow?
The m2 is my first Emlid product so I have little experience with emlidflow. The survey plan subscription seems close to what pocket 3D does, I will have to look more into it.
I think it would be cool if Emlid had something like Topcons MC Mobile
I’ve passed your request about MC Mobile. If you decide to test Emlid Flow out, please let me know your thoughts!