We need information regarding , the read only file format we can get from emlid controller Model Reach RS2 , let me explain more , from Trimble device we get file format with extension .job or .jxl which is raw data and not changeable and required by the client to submit the project , do we have same format or read-only file type with emlid device to deliver to the client , as the client is not accepting .CSV file ,
What exactly is inside the .job file?
.job file has topo points , code , network status , time , accuracy detail etc. which we can not change manual. for example a float network point will be shown flot we can not change it to fix
That seems like a wierd constraint… And trust-issue from the clients.
To my knowledge, the Emlid ecosystem does not have something like that.
The closest you’ll get is providing them with UBX/Rinex/RTCM data, so they can post-process themselves.
The issue is about the delivery requirement .job and .jxl are standard file extension for Trimble which can be converted to other format using FME . I am looking for something like that with Emlid device , so I can deliver and they convert it on their side to csv or any other format they need .
Hi Saeed,
Welcome to the community forum.
The Emlid Flow does not support the.JXL and .JOB formats. Our products allow exporting projects with collected points only in CSV, DXF, or Shapefiles format.
Thanks for explaining the project workflow. We’ve passed your request to the development team.
As Christian mentioned, the files can be processed using Emlid Studio or another post-processing land survey software, and raw files can be shared to confirm the data.
Everything. Same with other brands. Points and database in one file, linework and attributes in another, surfaces, alignments and etc all have their own extension and the you have a master job file like a ZIP of ZIPs.
Thank you very much victor . is there any possibility that we deliver the raw files to the client , does not matter in any format and they export on their side to CSV , Shapefile or any other format
To collect the raw logging data, you should set up this option in the Logging tab on Emlid Flow and choose the type of file you can record before starting surveying.
A raw data log contains GNSS observations from the receiver without the calculation of accurate coordinates. It can be recorded in UBX or directly in industry-standard RINEX format.
You can create the project, collect a CSV file with accurate RTK coordinates, and record raw data on Emlid Flow. After that, you can share these files with the client.
- a RINEX observation file from the base
- a RINEX observation file from the rover
- a RINEX navigation file from the base or the rover
- a CSV file from Emlid Flow
The clients can use the raw data to recalculate the coordinates in PPK using the Stop and Go method to double-check the results by post-processing the CSV with the raw data to double-check.