Emlid M2 missing events

Today I have tried all my M2’s (3 of them) updated to 32.2 Fw and none of them had the proper number of events recorded. I have tried all three of them with two different camera connections (one Hot Shoe cable with 2 Sony A6000 cameras) and one direct connection to Sony ILX-LR1. I have tried with three different antennas as well. All results were the same, about 80-90% of events were missing. I am getting crazy, don’t know what else to do.

It’s not the first time that I am having that kind of problems. Last summer we have flawn with one M2 in 13 missions, all of them were about 4000 images each. The first mission has missed only one event, the last was missing 500 of them. Have you ever tried to pair images with the proper coordinates when you are missing events. That was the hell of the job that took me a week to pair. That job was done with the Sony ILX-LR1 camera.

Help me, please. Don’t have any more idea. What can be wrong?

Best, Darko