Emlid M2 and Raspberry Pi

Hi All,
Not sure if this is a basic question. But, here goes.
I need to download rinex3 log files from my M2. I would like to do this with a raspi(4). I can connect USB and wifi. I have managed to use ‘scp’ to download log files to the pi but was wondering if there was a more elegant solution.

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Are you doing something special with them in Pi or that ecosystem? You can download via mobile or PC as well. There may be a copy function directly to the Pi but it is a continuously running data stream so it would still be after the fact.

Thanks for the reply. I am trying to extract RINEX 3 files from a remote location. Maybe set-up a script to auto download and send files via email or other.

When you say remote location is the receiver on a network that you can access over the internet? It being connected you would like to be able to access the files and/or have them auto-sync to a cloud source?

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It would have access to a remote wireless router. At the moment we haven’t got access through the router just outwards. My intention was to take the files from the M2 and then transmit…somewhere… whichever was more doable.

Hi @stma,

Welcome to the community forum!

You can get the files from Reach using either ReachView or the command-line tool for transferring the files. As Michael suggested, you can download the logs from the app using a mobile device when it’s on the same network as your remote Reach.

It should be possible to create a script for auto-downloading the logs from your Reach to RPi. However, we don’t have a ready solution that I can share with you. So that it might require some programming skills to create an operational script.

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Thanks for the reply. I happy with the script writing.
Where do I find details of the command line instructions for downloading to my device on the same network?
Thanks for all the help, much appreciated

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Hi @stma,

I meant the tools like the one you’ve used already. scp or rsync can help you to get the data from Reach remotely.

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