Emlid Flow Change Point Color

Is there a way to change the point color in Flow? This would be very helpful so a user would know which points are “complete” for projects requiring visiting many points.


Hi @AutoPilotOn, We currently don’t have the feature to change the point color in EF. I understand that it would help many users with their workflow. I’ll add it as a +1 to our feature request.

We appreciate your feedback, as it helps us improve our products for our users. We’ll update you as soon as we have any news!


Also, I want to mention one of our newest features about stake-out point. When you stake a point, the staked-out point will change color to green. This might be useful as a workaround.

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I am testing this but it is not working. When a stake out a point (I get the green bulls eye) I do not see an option to “save” or change point color.

Did your project on the local coordinate system? Since this option is only available for projects in a local coordinate system.