Emlid Flow 8.10 - database_report.rv3

I just noticed that Emlid Flow has been updated; cool, thanks for that!

Then I just discovered and sent my first database_report.rv3, however, I’m unsure: What program should be used to open it?

Also, is there a change log listing new features and fixes in v8.10?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,


Hi Kelly,

The database report is our internal file. It helps us get more info about what’s going on with the app. But it doesn’t have any specific application for users.

Sure, you can find Emlid Flow changelogs in our docs: for Android and iOS.

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Hi Julia,
Thank you for the reply, but you didn’t answer the question: what program should I use to view this file? e.g., SQLite?

I noticed on the changelog for Android, we’re at 8.11, but the Emlid Flow app on my phone is showing 8.10. Will 8.11 get eventually pushed to my device if I wait?

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