Emlid Flow 360 Webapp Not Syncing

It doesn’t even work with Android devices

Hi all,

Thank you for your messages. Sync is back online, no need to update the app. To make sure your data gets backed up, just open Emlid Flow on mobile, it should all sync up now.

We try to keep things as reliable as possible with the sync, but sometimes something does come up. We’ll do our best to improve our reaction time on these incidents. Thank you for using our services.


The web version will sync the data to the mobile app
And the changes on the mobile app have been lost :frowning_face:


I’ve sent you a private message, please take a look.

Even though there was a problem preventing the mobile app from syncing new data, it’s still accumulated on the phone, retrying to upload. As long as you don’t delete the app before everything’s synced, the data should not be lost.


Everything back to normal thanks egor

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This still isn’t working for me, 4hrs after it says it’s been fixed. I can’t get the Android app to sync anything from the webapp. It will bring in the projects, but new ones with points in them are empty.

Hi all, I’m experiencing issues with syncing too… annoyingly, iI’m getting a partial sync from the web portal to the phone app (bringing across a decimated version of the points in my project (i.e. 8 points, not 80). Waiting patiently, resetting the phone, etc, doesn’t appear to be working…

This ended up being resolved

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