Is it possible to create a VRS solution to achieve better 3D position quality on our Leica machine control excavators.
We have around 4 base stations on Emlid Caster Pro, around 20-30km apart and was hoping that a VRS solution; taking an average position from all bases, would result in a more stable and accurate RTK connection opposed to using just one nearest base station?
Emlid caster does not support VRS generation. Actually it requires a huge processing power and very high level algorithms one cannot get quite easily. It would be quite an impressive step forward however.
I’m like @wizprod on his thinking. Usually when I get to go out in the field, I’m either using radio RTK or our RTN. In almost all cases, I’ll setup another receiver on site wether using radio RTK or RTN. If I lose radio comms or cellular, I can post process my rover data with the one or two receivers I have onsite. This gives me a closed polygon if two receivers are used and gives me 100% confidence in my post processed located points.
Thanks for your interest in VRS support! It’s a bit complicated to implement and isn’t currently on our roadmap. But I’ve noted your request and will keep you posted if anything changes.