
I have been experimenting with my RX to obtain elevations and I am getting different values for the same area and using the same settings at different times.
As a background:
reading done on oct 12, 24 for poin 201 - fix

same point on oct 6, 24- fix

same point on august 28, 24- fix

On august 28, 24, my elevation for this point was 959.227
but on Oct 6 and 12, they were 848.586

I wonder what is causing this discrepancy? Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Looks like you have different VERTICAL coordinate systems set for each of them?

i.e. August NAVD88 (Geoid 12B), nothing for October?

Should be using latest GEOID18 also.


Thank you

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Hi @ges734,

Tim is right. The first point was in ellipsoid height, and the second was in orthometric heights (NAVD88 GEOID12B), explaining the height difference.

You can change the CS of your project in Emlid Flow 360. Please check the heights again once you change the vertical datum of the projects.


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