EDGE video stream without QGC

Dear Guiboy,
i wish to get an videostream directly from my EMLID Edge system, i don´t wanna use the QGroundControl Software for this purpose.
I´m newbie in this procedure, can you help me, what i need to get it work?

Many thanks in advance!

Dear Guiboy, do you mean, it exists an method for using the videostream from the EMLID Edge autopilot without QGroundcontrol? Can you tell me please how exactly it works?
What i must do to get an video signal in VLC?
Thank you very much!

Hi Fred,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

To configure video streaming without QGC, you can ssh to Edge and follow steps from this guide. For Edge, you should use raspivid -cs 0.

Also, I’d recommend looking thought other threads for more related information.

Thank you very much.
Do you have experience with this method?
Does it works by you?
Sorry, but i´m a newbie wit ssh…
Actually i had installed putty on my windows notebook…

Hi Fred,

I reproduced steps described for Navio2 and can confirm that streaming works as expected on Edge.

Try to follow the steps beginning from this section.

After doing steps for Windows, you should connect to Edge via ssh by typing ssh pi@edge.local in the Windows command line. The password is raspberry.

Then, you should use raspivid -cs 0 and type the streaming command, specifying the IP address of your PC.

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Thank you very much!

Dear Gleb,
do you have some time to communicate trough PM?
Thank you very much!

Hi @rcdevil,

May I ask you to describe your problem in this thread, so we can help you out? Also, it would be useful for other users who might face the same issue.

Dear Svetlana,

i wanna access the videostream without QGround Control and i need a exact description how this can be maked.
At first i had installed the gstreamer for windows.
My OS is Win 10 professional.
Step 2: i opened the command in windows and pasted this:
gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port=5600 caps=“application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264” ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink sync=f

But here i get an error message.
Maybe i understood something wrong.
Where and how exactly i must type this command?
Thank you very much!

I have now managed to get into the terminal via SSH.
Then I entered the command:
gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port = 5600 caps = “application / x-rtp, media = (string) video, clock-rate = (int) 90000, encoding-name = (string) H264”! rtph264depay! avdec_h264! video converter! autovideosink sync = f

Then unfortunately an error message appears, see screenshot.
What am I doing wrong?
How can i access the video stream in example with VLC media player.
It would be better if EMLID can post an simple step by step instruction.
Thank you advance!

Dear Gleb, that is what i have reached, see the screenshot.
How i must proceed further?
Thank you very much.

Hi @rcdevil,

Sorry for the delay!

Based on the screenshot, you entered the following command in the EDGE console:

gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port=9000 caps="application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264" ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink sync=f

However, you need to execute it in your Windows terminal.

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thank you, but can you explain, not only for me, for the community, a short complete description about the procedure for this? From A to B?

Hi @rcdevil,

We described all the process in this guide in our docs. However, if it’s not so clear at some stages, please, let us know so that we can make it better.

Thank you!

What about the ardupilot update on edge.
I spent $ 1200 two months ago and it turns out that I can’t update ardupilot.
Too bad for emild, I was deeply disappointed.
I doubt he will trust Emil again.

We keep supporting Edge and we would love to help you get it to work. Please let us know if you need any assistance.

I want to update ArduCopter V4.0.3.

Hi @juan_jose_casto,

We have a guide in our docs on how to built and run Ardupilot on the Edge. However, you can download a ready binary file with the Ardupilot version for Edge and go through only How to run section.

Please, could you clarify whether you use Windows, Mac or Linux so that I can provide you with a step-by-step guide?

I use windows 10. I want to update my edge to ardupilot 4.0.3.
Thanks and sorry for my bad English.

Hi @juan_jose_casto,

We’ve tried to run ArduPilot 4.0.1 binary on Edge. It seems that the latest ArduPilot versions require a new version of the GLIBC library, so it should be updated on Edge. We’re looking into how we can fix it right now and will get back with any updates as soon as possible.