Edge Frsky Telemetry

Hello Polina,

Thanks for the repply, however I still did not understood it fully.

According to the ardupilot documentation, there is only two protocols for Frsky Telemmetry:

  • Repurposed FrSky Telemetry Protocol: which I assumed was the “standard” and also assumed it is the mode that was previously tested and confirmed by Patrick;
  • Passthrough FrSky Telemetry Protocol: which it’s clear for me that is not supported.

According to my research, there is also a third option, using external hardware: MavLink to FrSky Converters, no way this is what Patrick indicates as standard both, also is not what Tatiana said before (Passthrough FrSky telemetry not working on RP3/Navio2 - #45 by tatiana.andreeva) as she did not indicated the need of such conversor.

So, again, I must ask: what do you mean by standard mode? What do you mean by configuring the telemetry via MAVLink protocol?