ECEF Pos file and EmlidFlow

When I’m (attempting) to process CORS and Base positions in Emlid Studio, I keep having to enter the ECEF coordinates of the CORS station manually as it defaults to the last RINEX lat-long header position… and I keep forgetting to do this!

Could someone at Emlid give some guidance as to how can I create a ECEF based .pos file so I can create a .pos file for each of the 4-5 CORS bases I regularly use, and then simply drag & drop the appropriate .pos position file onto the coordinates panel within Emlid Studio?

I’ve already suggested that EmlidStudio retains a list of recent coordinates for the base, or has a list of ‘Favourites’, but using a .pos file would simplify things enormously while we wait for the feature to be added to EmlidStudio!



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Hi @ElectroNick,

I checked one of the OSNET CORS files and compared it against the published station coordinates. It seems like the accurate coordinates (in ETRS89) are already saved in the RINEX header.

I’m sorry if I misled you before. In this case, you do not need to enter the base coordinates manually.

There is also a note in the file that the RINEX header coordinates are replaced with ETRS89 coordinates.

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Thanks for the clarification Ruth.


The original question was a good one, if you ever have a need to quickly drop in local base coordinates this is how I do it. It’s Lat/Lon & Height rather than ECEF but very quick and easy to manually create a minimal .pos file for each base with a text editor.

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Thanks @Wombo :+1:

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