I’m having issues with outputting ENU baselines from studio - they are incorrect in the magnitude of 100m horizontally and 5m vertically when compared to the lat/long outputs I create using the same dataset. I’ve validated the lat/long studio outputs of the rover by processing the rover rinex using OPUS/NRCAN PPP style solution. So there’s no issue with the baseline processing, just the output.
Has anyone come across this, and is there a fix? I want the baselines to process in least squares software ideally. Anyone with experiences or tips in processing these baselines in least squares software also appreciated.
Thanks for sharing the data. But what exactly do you compare?
The E/N/U-Baseline option creates a local coordinate system with the origin in your base position. So the coordinates in it just show the rover’s shift relative to the base along each of the three axes in meters. This CRS is assumed, and that’s why E/N/U coordinates can hardly be compared with coordinates in a known CRS.